Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Natural, Easy Lifestyle Changes To Stop Heartburn Pain

Obesity is quickly becoming a problem throughout the United States, a fact that you would already be aware of if you pay any attention to the news. One of these can be devastating bouts of heartburn brought on by the fact that we tend to overeat and especially that we often overeat the wrong foods. Heartburn can easily be brought on if you particularly like greasy, frieds, or spicy foods. You may be wondering what measures you can take to avoid problems with this condition.

There are practical changes that you can make in your lifestyle that will help you avoid having to deal with heartburn. Sometimes though, it will require you to take prescription drugs in order to battle the condition. There are three simple changes that will help most people eliminate the condition though.

1. Whenever you eat something, it will take your stomach a while to digest it properly. Stay in an upright position for at least an hour or two following a meal. Lying down with a full stomach can force stomach acid back into your esophagus which will bring on heartburn. This can also lead to a condition known as acid reflex, which is somewhat similar to heartburn. With this in mind, you shouldn't eat a very large meal then go lie down on the bed to take a nap. Instead of napping, take a walk to help your digestive processes as well as burn the extra calories, and you'll feel better for doing so.

2. It's also best that you avoid eating certain foods that cause heartburn symptoms in you. There are plenty of foods in the typical American diet that can be a problem. Foods that contain a lot of fat will stay in the stomach for a longer period of time thanks to the fact that your system can't break them down as quickly. Tomatoes and tomato products, such as those used on pizza and in pasta dishes, are full of acid which can bring on heartburn. Citrus fruits, chocolate, and caffeine are other types of foods known to cause problems.

3. Eating huge meals is a definite no-no. You should try to eat smaller meals throughout the day. By eating smaller meals, your stomach won't be nearly as full. An esophagus isn't designed to be tough enough to withstand this kind of an onslaught. Doc No. 34Sdlhgsdl -sds

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Get rid of heartburn and Heartburn treatment

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