Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ten Steps to Stopping Heartburn and Having a Healthier Life

In many cases, you can avoid dealing with heartburn by making the same lifestyle changes that you would to start living a healthier life. Things won't necessarily be easy however, as some of the changes can be very difficult to stick to, but it will be well worth it if you are able to do so since you will benefit from having a much healthier life. Ten keys to stopping heartburn and living life to the fullest are:

1. Stop eating foods that result in an episode of heartburn. Every time that you have heartburn, you should write down the episode in your journal. Over time you should begin to see a pattern of foods that are associated with the incidence of heartburn and make it easier to know what you need to quit eating or eat in moderation.

2. When you eat is every bit as important as what you eat. It's best that you avoid eating anything within two hours of going to bed. If you have a full stomach, then the chances of you having heartburn when you lie down increase dramatically.

3. Another important factor is the amount of food you eat. If you fill your stomach to bursting, some of the excess stomach acid created can be pushed back into your esophagus where it will irritate the tissues and cause pain.

4. Start drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Adequate water intake will aid your digestive processes and allow your body to rid itself of excesses before they can do any damage.

5. Avoid tight clothing and belts. Tight clothing will restrict your stomach area and will only make your pain feel much worse.

6. Try losing a few pounds. Weighing too much will allow stomach acid to travel into your esophagus a bit easier.

7. Chew more gum. Whenever you chew gum, your mouth will produce more saliva which helps to neutralize stomach acid.

8. Don't smoke. You're likely well-aware of the many problems associated with smoking. Smoking weakens esophageal muscles which makes heartburn more likely. It's also very hard on your body as a whole.

9. There are various natural remedies that can help you deal with heartburn. The internet has plenty of information that you should have little trouble finding.

10. Educate yourself about heartburn so that you'll better know what works for you. Learn different ways that you can prevent it and experiment with them. You should definitely try to make as many positive changes as you can. Doc No. 34Sdlhgsdl -sds

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Get rid of heartburn and How to get rid of heartburn

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