Monday, January 9, 2012

Simple Changes you can Make to Your Lifestyle to Avoid Heartburn

Heartburn strikes almost every human being at least once in their lifetime. Heartburn is a condition that develops whenever stomach acid affects the esophageal lining which is very delicate. This condition is often mistaken for heart problems and is very painful. Since the esophagus runs down between major organs, such as the heart and lungs, it's natural to think that the pain it causes means a much more serious condition is present. Although it isn't serious though, it can generate nearly as much pain as the most serious condition. So what can we do to avoid having this happen to us?

If you've been reading about heartburn then you should know that certain foods can easily cause it. The condition isn't only caused by foods though. You have to take into account when and how much food you eat. When you choose to lie down and go to sleep can also play a role. You can largely avoid heartburn if you don't eat anything for a couple of hours before lying down. Heartburn is caused more easily when you're lying down thanks to the fact that stomach acids can easily make their way back into your esophagus. Therefore, you never want to lie down with a full stomach. The old notion of laying down to take a nap after consuming a large meal is the wrong way to approach the problem. Instead of lying down, you should do a little bit of exercise after you eat something.

Heartburn doesn't necessarily cause constant pain and burning. It may be just an uncomfortable feeling that you have in the area of your heart. You may find yourself coughing nasty-tasting fluids back up into your mouth from your stomach, and you may even awaken during the night choking on this bile. You can keep these symptoms away for a while if you do the right things.

Start by taking an over-the-counter medication, such as Prilosec. A medication like this will keep your body from producing too much stomach acid, which means that less will make its way to your esophagus. Buying Prilosec can get expensive if you have to buy a month's supply, so you may want to look for an alternative with your doctor. Never start taking a medication like this without consulting a doctor. You want to consult a doctor to ensure that you aren't really suffering from a more serious condition that simply produces some of the same signs of heatburn.

Before you go to sleep, you should try taking an antacid. Stomach acid won't be able to affect your esophagus if you do this before lying down. Sleep with your head and shoulders elevated which will keep acid flowing down in your body instead of back up. If none of these suggestions seem to help, then you should consult with your doctor again. Doc No. 34Sdlhgsdl -sds

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Get rid of heartburn and How to stop hearburn

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